Sunday, November 23, 2014

I'm Thankful Ya'll! :)

It's almost Thanksgiving break!! We have had the best time learning all about Thanksgiving and turkeys in 1st grade. I think our favorite fiction story we read was The Great Turkey Race. We made the cutest retelling turkeys to make our learning exciting. Students had to retell the beginning, middle, and end of the story on their racing turkeys. Take a peek below to see how precious the turned out! I want to also thank all of you who came out for parent/teacher conferences. Thank you for being so involved!

Plans for 11/24-11/25 

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Hello families! I just want to remind you all that we are having our parent teacher conferences this week and next week after school. If you have already signed up- thank you! If you still need to schedule a time please contact me at school or email. (

Thank you! Have a GREAT week! :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November already??

Happy November!!

I hope everyone had a great Halloween! We had a busy week with benchmarks. I love love love how hard the students worked to do their best! It was also a fun week in reading. We read a lot of Halloween stories and worked on monster narrative writings. They turned out so cute. The students were given a pair of googly eyes and then asked to create and describe their own monsters. I will hang those up tomorrow and take pictures.

On Friday I sent home our conference sheet sign ups. Please sign up for a time and send back asap! We will also be going on our field trip to the Gallberry Corn Maze this Friday. If you have not done so already please send back your form and money.

I hope everyone is doing well and I hope to hear back soon about conference sign ups! Thanks for all you do! :)